

Paul Lear



Paul Lear


Paul Lear is an experienced and innovative colourist. Considered one of the elite in the Colour Grading Industry, Paul began his career in the lion’s den of film and television. From those early years in Hollywood, to the present in the new film empire of New Zealand, Paul has spent the last twenty one years educating himself and others on the vast array of Colour Grading technology. With the Da Vinci on the Ursa Gold, Diamond, Spirit, or Millennium, Baselight BLT and Baselight 4, he has mastered both the technology as well as developed new methods of colouring that are now utilized by colourists everywhere including his most recent foray into stereoscopic grading.

Having operated the Baselight since its inception, Paul has spent over seven years endeavoring to make himself a master of the technology.  With over 30 feature films, 100 hours of television drama, and innumerable commercials and short films completed on the Baselight, he has explored every aspect of the system. He has demonstrated Baselight on behalf of Filmlight at NAB, and post houses in Moscow, Los Angeles, Chicago, Melbourne, and Sydney, and has trained colourists in Hong Kong, Sydney, Hollywood, Moscow, Taipei, Los Angeles and New Zealand. 



Coloring Passion

Passionate, Experienced

Coloring Passion

Passionate, Experienced